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Stacey Morrison

Te Arawa, Ngāi Tahu

He kaipāpāho reo irirangi, pouaka whakaata anō hoki a Stacey Morrison. I tuhia tahitia e rāua ko Scotty a Māori at Home hei āwhina i ngā whānau kia whai wāhi ai te reo ki ngā horopaki o te ia rā. I eke hoki tā Stacey pukapuka tuatahi mā te tamariki, My First Words in Māori, ki te taumata hokonui tuatahi. I mana ai a Stacey rāua ko Scotty hei toa reo Māori nā tā rāua whanake i ngā tini kaupapa me ngā rauemi huhua hei tautoko i te whakahokinga o te reo Māori ki roto i te kāinga. Whakamahia ai e rāua ngā rautaki auaha hei whakapūmau i te kaingākautia, i te whakamahia me te whakamāoritia anō hoki o te reo Māori i roto i ngā kāinga. Ko rāua tonu te tino tauira o ngā mātua e whakaū nei i te reo Māori hei reo matua, hei reo taketake mō ā rāua tamariki e toru.

Stacey Morrison is a radio and TV broadcaster. She and Scotty co-wrote Māori at Home to help other families use te reo in everyday settings, and Stacey's first children's book, My First Words in Māori, became a No. 1 bestseller. Scotty and Stacey Morrison are language champions within their own right, having developed numerous initiatives and resources aimed at supporting the return of te reo Māori to the home. They use innovative methods to ensure that te reo Māori is valued, used and normalised within homes. They are shining exemplars of parents who are fully committed to ensuring that te reo Māori is the primary language of communication and the native tongue of their three children.