Ngāti Apa ki te Rā To
Ngāti Kuia
Kāi Tahu
Kāti Māmoe
Ngāti Porou

Ngāti Porou
Ngāti Haumia
Ngāti Mutunga

Nōna e tipu ana i te kāinga takutai o Pōrangahau ka renarena tō Tākuta hononga ki te whenua me te moana, hei tāna, ko tēnei hei tūāpapa mō tōna tuakiri me te noho huānga. E ōrite nei ki a ia te hāneanea o te marae me te ruku kaimoana, he kanohi kitea hoki ia i ngā tini kaupapa a te hapori.

Hei rangatira i Tamatea Arikinui, me tāna noho kūtoro i ngā mahi kapa haka, e ū ana a Tākuta ki te whakatinana i ngā whakakitenga a ō tātou tūpuna mō ngā whakatupuranga haere ake nei. Pohewatia nei e ia te momo Aotearoa e rea noa ana ngā tamariki me ngā whānau, me te kore i māharahara ka pēhia rātou. Ka mutu, kia rongo te katoa i te matemate-ā-one ki tō rātou ūkaipō, ā, kia noho mai ko ngā mātāpono o Te Tiriti o Waitangi e ārahi ana i ngā kokenga tapatahi.

Nō te pōtitanga whānui i te tau 2023 tohua ai a Tākuta kia noho ki te Whare Pāremata o Aotearoa hei Mema Pāremata mō Te Tai Tonga.

Growing up in the coastal village of Pōrangahau, Tākuta developed a deep connection to both land and sea, which he believes is fundamental to his sense of identity and belonging. He is equally comfortable on the marae as he is diving for kaimoana, actively participating in various community initiatives.

As a leader within Tamatea Arikinui and deeply involved in kapa haka, Tākuta is committed to upholding the vision of our ancestors for future generations. He envisions a New Zealand where children and families can thrive without fear of unfair treatment, where everyone feels a profound connection to their homeland, and where the principles of te Tiriti o Waitangi guide collective progress.

Tākuta was elected to the New Zealand parliament at the 2023 general election as MP for Te Tai Tonga for Te Pāti Māori.

He mōhio a Iriaka ki te kōrero Māori, i poipoia ia i te kōhanga reo, i te kura kaupapa, i te wharekura me te whare wānanga. Nō muri mai i ngā tau ngahuru e whakaako ana i te taumata paetahi me te taumata paerua o te Mātauranga Māori ki Te Wānanga o Raukawa kua whakawhiti ia ki te mahi mātanga. I tana tūranga ināianei ko tāna he āwhina i ngā rōpū ki te whakapakari i te taha ki te āheitanga ahurea Māori, te poipoi i te pikinga kauanuanu ki te ao Māori me te whakakaha i tō rātou mōhio ki Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Iriaka is a proficient speaker of te reo Māori, having been nurtured in kōhanga reo, kura kaupapa, wharekura, and whare wānanga. Following a decade of teaching Mātauranga Māori at Te Wānanga o Raukawa, spanning undergraduate and postgraduate levels, she has transitioned into consulting. In her current role, she supports organisations in enhancing their Māori cultural competencies, fostering a deeper appreciation of te ao Māori, and strengthening their grasp of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.