Turuhira Hare

Ngāi Tūhoe, Te Arawa

I whānau mai a Turuhira ki Te Tapatahi, ki te riu o Ruātoki. He kaiārahi a ia i tōna hapori, ā, e mōhiotia nei i tāna takoha nui ki te ao toi Māori me te ao mātauranga. Ko ētahi o ana tino kaingākau, ko te reo Māori, ko ngā mōteatea, ko ngā tikanga me ngā karakia, ā, e whakapau nei a ia i ōna kaha ki te ako i tōna anō iwi. Ehara te kanohi o Turuhira i te kanohi hou ki te ao o te haka, ko ētahi o ana mahi i ngā tau ko te noho hai kaiwhakawā ki Te Hui Ahurei a Tūhoe, ki ngā whakataetae kapa haka o ngā kura tuatahi o Rangitaiki, ko ngā whakataetae haka ā-motu – kura tuatahi mai, kura tuarua mai, tae noa ki Te Matatini. Kai Te Wharekura o Ruātoki a ia e māhita ana, kua roa hoki i reira. Nō te tau 1978 ka noho ko te kura o Ruātoki te kura reorua tuatahi mō Aotearoa, ā, e matatau nei ngā tauira o taua kura ki ngā reo e rua. 

Turuhira was born in Te Tapatahi, in the valley of Ruātoki.  She is a leading figure in her community and is renowned for her contribution to the Māori performing art and education sectors.  Te Reo Māori, mōteatea, tikanga and karakia are some of her passions and she dedicates her life to teaching her knowledge to others in her iwi.  Turuhira has also held numerous leading positions in kapa haka, which include judging at Te Hui Ahurei a Tūhoe, Rangitaiki primary kapa haka competitions, the Primary and Secondary National Kapa Haka competitions and has been a judge at Te Matatini for well over a decade and continues to do so. Turuhira teaches at Te Wharekura o Ruātoki and has been a part of the school for many decades.  In 1978, the school officially became the first official bilingual school in New Zealand, where the students are fluent in both te reo Māori and English.